Comments on: A Hairsbreadth From Utter Destruction Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Fri, 17 Jul 2020 20:32:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Trevor Mon, 16 Mar 2015 03:57:25 +0000 Very Interesting! I had a SRO at my school who talked about the Cold War. I remember him saying that there was a malfunction and he remembered thinking he was going to die because Russia was going to nuke us. I didn’t realize he was apart of this. He was apart of the air force i believe.

By: RoflBeard Tue, 12 Jan 2010 11:52:39 +0000 It’s a shame this man never really got the credit he deserved for an amazingly level headed and important decision.
However he will know on his death bed that himself alone avoided millions of deaths.

By: BenKinsey Fri, 17 Oct 2008 20:24:35 +0000 Thanks Stan!!

By: DanThinksDances&femaleGspot Sun, 27 Jul 2008 04:52:54 +0000 Enter your reply text here. OK

An ordinary person in the position of power, at a time of huge circumstance. People at this time usually have adrenaline for leadership and intuitive skills are bolstered. Colonel Stanislav Petrov “had to” do his method and so would many of you. It is not hard to be “brave ballsy” in a “have to” situation.

//////////////////////////////////JustAnotherName #3 November 5th, 2005 6:20 am
Personally, I thank Jehovah God. Psalms 83:18, Psalms 37:29, Psalms 115:16, Ecclesiastes 1:4, Isaiah 45:18, Matthew 5:5, and Revelation 11:18b states “…and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”//////////
To look up scriptures online go to and scroll down to “Read the Bible Online”.////////
Josh Harding #4 November 7th, 2005 7:02 am
Although I do not consider myself a Bible scholar, //////////I am familiar with them and use them quite often…. ////////////////////I was using the King James version…not sure how much the New World translation differs on these verses.///////////////////////////////////////

I love in America we have the right (thank you George Washington – call me Mr. President) to say Fuck Religion & Faith is Salvation in the same sentence. Also, Colonel Stanislav Petrov problobly is an athiest commie. Even he would not want to destroy the world. He is a hero.

By: Dropbear Thu, 22 May 2008 07:46:19 +0000 “September 26th, 1983 doesn’t stick out in the annals of history as a day to remember.” …Except it was my birthday….. Huzzar indeed for Stan!

By: Former-Marine Fri, 12 Oct 2007 05:09:03 +0000 I am currently reading “The Purpose Driven Life”, by Rick Warren. No I am not a holy-roller, and Thank God that I’m not a jehovahs witness, but I am looking for the purpose of my life. Damn good book! Everyone should read it (even you jehovahs witnesses). Anyway, it seems like “Stan” found out his purpose in life. Thanks for “thinking” buddy! It’s tough to be unpopular…but “what if” you are right. It takes balls to carry through with your intentions; what a pity that there isn’t enough people out there with them (ie “balls”). Millions of us around the world owe you a bit of Thanks.

By: Merciless Mon, 04 Jun 2007 21:21:06 +0000 Not that it matters. But besides Stan being an obvious gut instinct hero, which he most certainly is, I would like some clarification please. During the cold war you have several different countries with “bombs and missles” to wreak havoc across the globe. One of the countries launches. The alarm is sounded and weather or not the missle(s) is aimed at them, retaliatin takes place. Did I get the jist of this. Woah!!! Can I get a Damn Interesting “Hip-hip-hooray” for Stan.

By: MyStupidMouth Sun, 21 Jan 2007 22:40:12 +0000 An astounding example that would fit perfectly in Malcolm Gladwell’s new book “Blink” which says that gut decisions and intuitions, when accepted properly, are usually more right than “official scientific evidence” which can be very biased, focus on the wrong aspects or plain wrong. Absolutely fantastic that he resisted the urge to retaliate in sucha time and position, because his instincts said it did not make sense. Truly commendable not as “a genius” or anything, but as a brave and intelligent man who knew how to interpret his gut instincts. He would even get a high five from me, and I don’t hand those out so easily.

By: rev.felix Thu, 14 Dec 2006 16:33:53 +0000 Yay, Stan!

By: Drakvil Sun, 05 Nov 2006 06:56:29 +0000 Stories like Petrov’s are the reason I have hope the human race will survive and become more than it is now.

Dementia said: “I don’t think there ever should be a big red button that’ll set off a huge amount of missiles. It makes it too easy to wreak destruction without a second thought.”

Actually, if you read the article carefully, the big red button does not set off a huge amount of missiles. Instead, “…it would allow former head of the KGB turned Soviet leader Yuri Andropov to launch a counter offensive…”. Not that I don’t think Andropov could have launched them anyway, should he have felt like it, but there’s a distinction.
