Researchers spot black hole feeding at 40x its theoretical limit

Hiker finds strange cart-like item at glacier in Switzerland

Will Plants Grow on the Moon?

Habitable Worlds are Found in Safe Places

A Brief History of the Most Famous Swear Word in the World

Mount Fuji is still without its iconic snowcap in November for the first time in 130 years

Scientists film footage of alien, shimmering creature in the remote ocean

Is there a hidden planet in our solar system? Astronomers say the moment of truth is near

Rare Photo of Red Sprites Wins 2024 Weather Photographer of the Year

How Austen and Darwin converged on the question of beauty

China reveals a new heavy lift rocket that is a clone of SpaceX’s Starship

Video: Why Are Cooling Towers Shaped Like That? [19:47]

Baseball’s legendary ‘magic mud’ finally analyzed by scientists

What are you Haydn? The hoaxers who fooled the classical music world

Something Weird Happened 15 Minutes Before the Giant Tonga Eruption of 2022

The Great American Nuclear Weapons Upgrade

How a Beer Can Helped Solve a Murder Case in Montana

A ‘Crazy’ Idea for Treating Autoimmune Diseases Might Actually Work

At Long Last, ‘The Most Mysterious Song On The Internet’ Has Finally Been Identified

In Photos: See NASA Juno’s Jaw-Dropping New Images Of Jupiter

There’s a real Wayne Enterprises, and it’s selling a $3 million Batmobile

Astronauts of the underworld: The scientists venturing into the deep, dark Earth

Video: The Most Insane Weapon You Never Heard About [13:55]

The world’s oldest tree? Genetic analysis traces evolution of iconic Pando forest

6,000 year-old Mesopotamian artifacts linked to the dawn of writing

Why are foods banned in other places still on US grocery shelves?

NASA’s 15-year-old NEOWISE asteroid hunter meets fiery doom by burning up in Earth’s atmosphere

Iron Age Woman Buried With a Knife Stuck in Her Grave Stumps Archaeologists

First Satellite Made of Wood Is Launched Into Space

How online photos and videos alter the way you think

24 Hours in Mumbai With an Airline Pilot

Video: A look inside Michelangelo’s ‘secret room’ [5:52]

How Doug Emhoff and a ‘Psycho Chihuahua’ took down Taco Bell

The evolutionary benefits of being forgetful

Video: ‘I bought a freeze dryer so you don’t have to’ [1:00:14]

This Ancient ‘Lion Cavern’ Mine Is the Origin of the Stone Age’s Favorite Color

Chemists break 100-year-old rule, changing the way we think about molecules

These Black Americans Were Killed for Exercising Their Political Right to Vote

The Brothers Grimm Were Dark for a Reason

Scientists Just Got Closer to Creating The Heaviest Element Ever

Video: Bad News: The Ocean Is Full of Spiders* [11:31]

China’s Einstein probe detects mysterious space object that flickers like fireworks

The scientist who tested his revolutionary medicine on his own brain cancer: ‘It seemed worth it to give it a crack’

Vega star system discovery forces us to rethink planet formation

Video: Computer for Apollo (1960s) [29:05]

Why Are Cats So Flexible? This Body Part Is Key

Scientists glue two proteins together, driving cancer cells to self-destruct

2 Andy Warhol Prints Damaged, 2 Stolen in Botched Art Heist

Video: ‘This Job Can Kill You. But I Do It Anyway’ [10:36]

US Space Force warns of “mind-boggling” build-up of Chinese capabilities

Huge Study Shows Where Gout Comes From, And It’s Not What We Thought

Family pleaded to have assault rifle seized before deadly school shooting. Officers had few options

Does the Enlightenment’s Great Female Intellect Need Rescuing?

We’ve seen particles that are massless only in one direction

Secret audio, overturned convictions and a jail death: The legal saga of an art dealer’s murder

Iceland embraced a shorter work week. Here’s how it turned out

Video: The story of the 4-Track Cart [51:03]

What Happens to Your Body if You Eat Too Much Sugar?

“We’re at the mercy of Google.” Undecided voters in the US who turn to Google may see dramatically different views of the world

This week: Visual clutter, pedestrianism, echolocation education, and more!