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The Other Mystery of Easter Island

Easter Island is branded into popular consciousness as the home of the mysterious and towering moai statues, but thes...
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Damn Write

If you are a writer looking for a bucket you can wring your excess brain-juices into, please expose your fancy so we...

The Skyhook

During the Cold War, the US and the Soviets had an ongoing game of tag taking place under the Arctic Ice Cap. Among...
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Damn Additions

Due to popular demand (mostly from Misfit (he's very popular (this sentence narrowly averted collapsing into a black...

The Daedalus Starship

In the winter of 1973, the men and women of the British Interplanetary Society convened in London to engage in some l...
Site News:

Parenthetical Apology

(Sorry for the delay everyone... only two days ago I made a change of employment which resulted in a dramatic modific...

The Norwegian Puffin Dog

In order to run down and kill wolves, the people of Ireland bred the powerful and long-legged Irish Wolfhound. When t...

The Seizing of the Pueblo

In January 1968, the US Navy electronic surveillance ship USS Pueblo was quietly lurking off the east coast of North...

Incident on Niihau Island

When the Empire of Nippon launched its massive attack on Pearl Harbor on the morning of 7 December 1941, Airman 1st C...

Outer Space Exposure

In scores of science fiction stories, hapless adventurers find themselves unwittingly introduced to the vacuum of spa...
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