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You Make Your Own Luck

Some individuals seem to have an inexplicable abundance of good fortune. They are successful in matters of love, in t...

Can You Hear Me Now?

When the Big Bad Wolf donned grandmothery garb so as to surprise Little Red Riding Hood, he assured her that the big...

The Smoldering Ruins of Centralia

There is a small town in Pennsylvania called Ashland where Route 61's northbound traffic is temporarily branched onto...

The Troubled History of Beards

Thanks to my parents' genes, I simply do not grow facial hair. I never have, unless you count microscopic stubble in...

Taking Control of Candy Jones

Jessica Wilcox was born into a humble family on New Year’s Eve of 1925. Her father left them when she was three; her...

The Man Who Changed Comic Books Forever

There was a time when comic books were just that - comic - with the likes of Mutt and Jeff and Mickey Mouse. But by t...

Professor Edgerton’s Atomic Camera

During the early days of atomic bomb experiments in the 1940s, nuclear weapons scientists had some difficulty studyin...

England’s Armed Iceberg of War

During World War II the Allies actively recruited the inception and development of new and unique weapons. They knew...

A Life More Colorful

Human beings normally see in color. We are natural trichromats-- we have three different color receptors that permit...

Decisions, Decisions

Recently I decided to buy a new home and a new printer for my computer. Guess which decision took the most effort? If...
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